mifloracosmetics.com respects your concerns about privacy and data protection.

This policy describes the use that mifloracosmetics makes of the information about you collected when you use the mifloracosmetics website accessible at the following address
. It also enables you to find out about the origin and use of information about you collected using Cookies, as well as to exercise your options and the rights you have under applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.

This policy applies to all websites, applications and services offered by mifloracosmetics (hereinafter referred to as ” mifloracosmetics“) and supplements the “General Terms and Conditions”, as well as any document or information notice referring to this policy.

This policy is therefore important to you, who wish to have a positive and confident experience of our Services, and to us, who wish to answer your questions accurately and completely and take your wishes into account.