Volume care for your hair

No more fine, flat hair that makes you look tired! Our range of hair care products is designed to give your hair volume, right from the roots.

Our hair care products are formulated with natural, high-quality ingredients, for optimum efficacy and total respect for your hair.

  • Volume Pack

    VOLUME PACK ✨ To give strength to your hair,…
  • Volume spray 150ml

    VOLUME SPRAY ✨ Treat yourself to the new texturizing…
  • Volume conditioner 500ml

    VOLUME CONDITIONER ✨ You will tone your hair with…
  • Volume shampoo 500ml

    VOLUME SHAMPOO ✨ Daily use of this volume shampoo…

Every woman dreams of having thick, voluminous hair. However, fine, flat hair is often a problem for many. The causes can be varied, ranging from genetics and hormonal imbalances to stress and poor diet. But with natural hair volume treatments, you can add volume and thickness to your hair without too much effort.

The benefits of natural ingredients for hair

Conventional hair products often contain chemical ingredients that can exacerbate problems of lack of volume and thickness. Opting for natural care products is therefore a healthy, eco-friendly alternative for adding volume to your hair while respecting its nature.

Oat milk: a star ingredient for more volume

Oat milk is an excellent natural product for nourishing and moisturizing your hair while adding volume. It’s very easy to prepare at home, and its effects on hair are visible from the very first use.

To make your own oat milk for hair, simply mix two tablespoons of rolled oats with a cup of warm water. Leave to infuse for around 20 minutes, then strain the mixture to recover the milk.

Then apply the milk to clean, damp hair, distributing it evenly over the lengths and ends, as well as the scalp. Massage in lightly, then leave on for about ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and admire your new mane!

Essential oils: allies in giving hair volume

There are a multitude ofessential oils with amazing capillary virtues, which not only strengthen and thicken hair, but also stimulate its growth. These essential oils include :

– Rosemary: this aromatic plant has purifying and invigorating properties, ideal for promoting blood circulation to the scalp and stimulating hair growth while adding volume.

– Lavender: its delicate, relaxing fragrance is often reminiscent of Provence, but its beneficial properties for hair are far from anecdotal. In fact, it helps regulate sebum production, promotes blood circulation and has soothing properties on the scalp.

Adopt the right habits for voluminous hair

While natural hair volume treatments can bring real improvements to your mane, changing your daily habits and taking care of yourself is also essential to guaranteeing beautiful hair. Here are a few tips to follow:

Adopting the right hair routine

Pay attention to the products you use to wash and maintain your hair: opt for gentle shampoos containing natural ingredients like oat milk, without sulfates or silicones that can suffocate your hair and weigh it down.

Brush your hair regularly

To stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, strengthen hair and promote thickening, remember to brush well every day, not forgetting to massage the scalp. Use a natural bristle brush to avoid breaking the hair.

Adopt a healthy, balanced diet

A beautiful head of hair also depends on a good diet: choose foods rich in protein, iron, vitamins and essential fatty acids, such as oily fish, legumes, dried fruit and green vegetables.

Avoid sources of stress

Finally, take care to reduce stress as much as possible, as it can lead to slower growth and thinner hair. Get regular exercise, meditate or do yoga to relax, and get enough sleep.

With the adoption of a good hair routine, natural care and a few lifestyle changes, you can boost your hair’s volume and flaunt a beautiful mane for any occasion!